Q&A with Member Company: DSA

Q&A with Member Company: DSA

Having recently assumed the role of Executive Director of the eSync Alliance, I thought it would be informative to meet with our member companies and talk about how the Alliance is affecting their business. This week, I had the great pleasure to sit down with DSA’s Mario Ortegón, Head of Strategy & Innovation Management. DSA is a recent member of the eSync Alliance and has become actively involved in the Technical Working and Marketing Groups. Our conversation focused on DSA’s reasons for joining the Alliance and its vision for the future or the organization. Here are the highlights from our discussion.

– Mike Gardner, Executive Director, eSync Alliance.

Mike: When DSA first joined the alliance, it was at basic adopter level. What was your motivation to upgrade to promoter level?

Mario: DSA considers vehicle connectivity as the main game changer in the transportation industry. Thanks to the relentless pace of technology development, connected passenger vehicles are now mainstream. It is thus logical that we consider the impact in our area of expertise and keep our eyes open for disruption. For example, the software update process can be significantly streamlined with connectivity, bringing enormous potential benefits to the OEMs and the customers alike.

However, Software over-the-air Updates is an extraordinarily complex topic with a lot of surrounding hype. As a company with decades of experience in the vehicle commissioning for production and workshop operations, with tens of millions of updated vehicles under our belt, it was important for us to understand the concepts of the eSync alliance from both a technical and commercial point of view.

Alliances and standardization are a fantastic way to shape the industry. But a successful cooperation requires a mix of diverse perspectives. We consider that the eSync Alliance members have the right blend of capabilities to bring the transportation industry forward. That is why we decided to take a more active role and upgrade our participation to promoter.

Mike: What role does DSA envision to play within the Alliance?

Mario: We have been active in vehicle production, vehicle connectivity and after-sales for a long time. We also understand the challenges related to high variability and complex configuration of the vehicle electronic platforms. We hope that our experience, combined with the amazing knowledge of the alliance members, can help to create a standard that accelerates the adoption of connected vehicle and reduces time to market for both new and established vehicle manufacturers.

Mike: How does the eSync Alliance relate to the business opportunities you see for DSA?

Mario: Today, no company can work in isolation, and this is particularly true in the automotive industry. As the world becomes ever more digital and integrated, it is clear to DSA that most, if not all, of our future business opportunities require cooperation with other actors in the transportation ecosystem. This is a development that we embrace wholeheartedly. The eSync Alliance will help us to establish relationships and common developments. The benefits for all participants: OEMs, software vendors, and Tier 1 suppliers, will enable new business opportunities for the future.

Mike: DSA has used the term Digital Lifecycle Management. Can you explain what that term means for DSA?

Mario: Mastering the digital vehicle lifecycle is what DSA is all about. For us, it starts with the design of the vehicle electronics. We support our customers by designing-in vehicle diagnostics and associated data gathering capabilities, which can be used in the entire value chain. We are also involved during the vehicle production phase with electronic commissioning and testing, to ensure that the vehicles are built right. For workshop operations, we help to efficiently diagnose, repair and maintain the vehicle electronics with technician-centric tools. We also supply connectivity equipment and cloud software to keep the vehicles running and up-to date in the field. We then leverage all the data and knowledge that we gather from the vehicle, to gain understanding and support the engineering team in optimizing their design and continuously improving their products, thus closing the loop on the development cycle.

About DSA
DSA Daten – und Systemtechnik GmbH is a specialist for innovative communication solutions for automotive electronics. As a long-standing automotive expert and market leader, the company supplies modular software and hardware solutions for the entire life cycle of vehicles. The company’s core competence lies in the development of innovative solutions that enable vehicle manufacturers and service providers to meet the demanding quality standards of the industry, optimize process times and make production processes leaner and more flexible. In addition, DSA is a technology leader in commercial vehicle connectivity solutions providing remote diagnostics and FOTA-solutions for agricultural and construction machinery, trucks, busses and trailers.


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